I don't concern myself with things I believe to be boring. But usually when I'm confronted with these things at some point, a deep and dangerous love affair evolves. This happened with Golf, Reading and Liqourice(I thought it looked ugly. I also don't concern myself with things I believe to look ugly).
So, when the words "Civil" and "Rights" are brought up, I tend to prepare to build long and secure walls. Just before this "Civil Rights" wall is about to peak over my head, I am accosted with this golden & shiny (Me like Shiny) beacon in the name of The Help. And the only reason that the wall broke down is not my love for shiny things but my love for rave-reviews. And the air was a-tweeting with rave-reviews for The Help. All I could hear was how "deliciously good" the novel was. Or that it was the author's, Katheryn Stoketts's, "wonderful debut". And I latch onto rave-reviews like a vice. So the book had to be read. And it was.
This is my verdict before The Almighty God:
Never have I loved something I thought to be boring-beyond-tears like this before. Ever. The characters are the people that I confront in my head and heart everyday. And it is rare to find a book that has characters that sit so close to home.
I love all the characters. Even the hare-brained Minny. This is the the first book I've read without even knowing anything about the movie. And that is saying something. This book is amazing. Probably the best previously-boring thing that I have fallen in love with. I am totally in love. The impact that this book has left me with is irrevocable and will forever remain in my heart.
The Final Word on this Book?
Best Book I Have Ever Read.
dont know anything about the story line, but on your work, i will go and find the movie (lazy me), then perhaps you can enlighten me on how the book and movie differ from each other?